Do you need to retrieve your myAVSalarmportal login credentials?
Enter your email address in the space below, correctly fill in the Captcha code if required and press the Next button to start the procedure.
eMail address isn't valid. Please try again.
Please flag the recaptcha module to continue.
This account has not yet been activated
Our systems have sent the activation code to your email address. Enter that code in the box below and press Confirm Enabling to activate your account.
Code isn't valid. Please try again.
Warning. The mail you entered isn't registed in our system.
If you registered your account more than a month ago and never activated it, it may have been removed from our servers. In this case you will have to repeat the registration process. If you are sure that your account is working, you can press the Back button and double-check the address you entered.
Your account has been activated.
You can log into the system with the password you chose during registration. In case you don't remember it, you can click on Recover Password to continue with the operations and choose a new password.
We need to verify your identity.
Choose how you want to be contacted between SMS or eMail. Our systems will send a unique code through the chosen method that you must enter in the next step.
Within a few minutes you will receive a unique code via .
Enter that code in the box below and press Confirm Identity to confirm receipt.
Code isn't valid. Please try again.
Your identity has been confirmed.
Choose whether to have the system generate a random password or create your own. You will receive a copy of the password to your eMail.
Choose your password.
New password must be at least 8 character long. You must enter at least a capital letter, a lowercase letter, a number and a special character between those: !@#$*(). Then press Confirm Change Password to finalize the operations.
Choosed password does not meet the required criteria. Please try again.
Passwords do not match. Please try again.
The password recovery procedure is complete.
You can now login on the myAVSalarm portal with these credentials:
Username: Password:
Credentials have also been forwarded to your eMail.
Insert your Username and password in the boxes below
AVS Account can uses for access to the cloud services as: